πHow To Participate in the Testnet Contest
1. Get Rinkeby Testnet ETH
Go to https://faucet.rinkeby.io/.
Read the 'How does it work' section and proceed accordingly.
2. Supply ETH as Collateral
Once you've connected your wallet...
Select ETH in the All Vaults section.
2. With the Supply tab selected, input an amount relative to your ETH balance and click the supply button.
3. Confirm the transaction via your wallet provider.
4. Wait for the transction to complete.
You are now ready to borrow UUSD
3. Borrow UUSD
Once you have some collateral set...
Select UUSD in the 'Your Stablecoin Debts' section
2. With the borrow tab selected, input an amount relative to your collateral and click the borrow button
3. Confirm the transaction via your wallet provider.
4. Wait for the transaction to complete.
You are now ready to stake UUSD
4. Stake UUSD
Once you've borrowed UUSD...
Click the Stake button in the Stake component
2. With the stake tab selected, input an amount relative to the amount of UUSD you have borrowed and click the stake button.
3. Confirm the transaction via your wallet provider.
4. Wait for the transcaction to complete.
5. Claim UC Rewards
UC rewards of airdrop will be released within 72 hours after the launch of Utopia Mainnet.
Last updated